These two ladies are so very "Special" to me and I am very honored to have their friendship.
I was so excited when my Spooktacular Events package came in the mail on Friday from Kim. Kim had invited me to Montana so that I could be there in person. But unfortunately, I was not able to attend. I even tried pouting and that didn't help. But to the good news: I was so fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who was able to purchase an extra kit from the Spooktacular Events. And if that wasn't enough excitement, then on Monday the UPS man stopped by my house to deliver a package from Becky.
Woo Hoo !!!! I was like a little kid who couldn't wait to get everything opened to see inside. With Becky's permission I am able to show you the wonderful creations that Becky and Kim had for the lucky participants to make at the Spooktacular Events.
Along with a little surprise from Becky.
I "Thank You Both" from the bottom of my Heart !!!
I sure hope that I didn't make any mistakes.
Here's the link to purchase Becky's Tres Chic Handbag Tutorial. (here)
Send Kim an email if you would like to purchase one of the Spooktacular Events Kits.
Don't wait too long as there are only a couple of packages available!
You might want to check out Kim's blog (here)
and Becky's blog (here) as they have some pics of the all the FUN that I missed out on.
Maybe I can talk you both into coming to Minneapolis and doing an EVENT here?
Well, I can dream can't I.......
I hope that you are having as much FUN as I have this week !!!!
Sue :)